Gene, man, thanks for having me over to watch the new episode of Gene-O's Place. I can't wait to see this one. By the way, some new guy let me in. I haven't met him before. Did you get some new attendants? Oh, yeah, I've got a lot of new attendants. I just got a new home health agency. Man, I don't know how in the world you keep them straight. And I suppose you know all their names. Oh, yeah, I memorized them all. Well, what are they? Alright, I'll tell you their names, but, you know, the attendants out here have funny names, nicknames like Snoopy because he's always doggin' it. Well, I'll tell you their names. Well, let's see. Who works Monday, What works Tuesday, I Don't Know works Wednesday... No, no, no, no. That's what I'm trying to find out. That's what I'm asking you. I wanted to find out what their names are. I say Who works Monday, What works Tuesday, I Dont Know works Wednesday. You're the employer, right? Yes. And you don't know the guys' names? Well, I should. Well, then, who works on Monday? Yes. I mean the dude's name. Who. The guy that works on Monday. Who. The man that works on Monday. Who works Monday. The attendant. Who works Monday. I'm asking you who works Monday? That's the man's name. That's who's name? Yes. Look, you got an attendant who works on Monday? Certainly. So, who works Monday? That's right. When you pay the attendant... Who works Monday, every week, who gets the money? Every dollar of it. Look, all I'm trying to find out is the guy's name that works on Monday. Who. The guy that gets the money. That's it. Okay, who gets the money? He does, every dollar. Sometimes his wife comes down and collects it. Who's wife? Yes. What's wrong with that? Look, all I wanna know is when you sign up the attendant who works on Monday, how does he sign his name? Who. The guy. Who. How does he sign? That's how he signs it. Who? Yes. All I'm trying to find out is what's the guy's name that works on Monday. No. What works Tuesday. I'm not asking you who works on Tuesday. Who works Monday. One at a time! Well, don't change the attendants around. I'm not changing nobody! Take it easy, buddy. I'm only asking you, who's the guy that works on Monday? That's right. Ok. All right. What's the guy's name that works on Monday? No, What works Tuesday. I'm not asking you who works Tuesday. Who works Monday. I don't know! He's working on Wednesday, and we're not even talking about him. Now, how the hell did you get to Wednesday? You mentioned his name. If I mentioned the Wednesday man's name, who did I say who was working Wednesday? No. Who's working Monday. What's the guy's name that works on Monday? What works Tuesday. I don't know. He's working Wednesday. There I go, back to working Wednesday. Okay, would you just stay on Wednesday and don't go off of it? All right, what do you want to know? Now, who's working Wednesday? Why do you insist on Who working Wednesday? What's the name of the guy that works on Wednesday? No. What works Tuesday. You don't know who works Tuesday? Who works Monday. I don't know! (Gene and Dave together) Wednesday. Look, you got a Thursday attendant? Sure. The attendant's name? Why. I just thought I'd ask. Well, I just thought I'd tell you. Then tell me. Who's working on Thursday? Who's working in Monday. I'm not... Stay off of Monday! I want to know what's the guy's name that works on Thursday? No, What is the guy's name that works Tuesday. I'm not asking you who works on Tuesday. Who works on Monday! I don't know. (Gene & Dave together) Wednesday! The attendant working Thursday's name? Why. Because... Oh, he works Friday. Look, you got an attendant that works Saturday? Sure. Well, what's his name? Tomorrow. You don't want to tell me today? I'm telling you now. Well, then go ahead. Tomorrow. What time? What time what? What time tomorrow are you gonna tell me who works on Saturday? Now, listen. Who is not working Saturday. I am gonna break your joystick arm if you say who works on Monday! I want to know what's the Saturday's man's name? What works Tuesday. I don't know! (Gene and Dave) Wednesday! You got a Sunday attendant? And this Sunday attendant's name? Today. Today, and tomorrow's working Saturday. Now, you've got it. All we got is a couple of days of working. You know, I schedule attendants for work, too. So they tell me. I look at the schedule, and I see Tomorrow works on Saturday. Now, Saturday, Tomorrow calls and says that he can't work tonight. Now, me being a good scheduler, I ask Today if he can take Tomorrow's place tonight. Now, that's the first thing you've said right. I don't know what I'm talking about! Look, if I schedule someone to work on Monday, somebody's got to get the job. Now, who has it? Naturally. Who? Naturally. So I schedule naturally? No, you don't. You schedule Who. Naturally. That's different. That's what I said. You're not saying it... I schedule Naturally. You schedule Who. That's what I said! You ask me. I schedule who? Naturally. Now, you ask me. You schedule Who? Naturally. That's it. Same as you! Same as you! I schedule Who. Who can't make it, so I try to schedule What. What can't make it, so I try to schedule I don't know. I Don't Know can't make it, so I try to schedule Tomorrow. Tomorrow can't make it so I try to schedule Today. Because why? I don't know! He's working Wednesday, so, I don't give a damn! What? I don't give a damn! Oh, he's working holidays.