Different From What?

Film fest organizers and Gene

Film fest organizers and Gene

Our video, “Dear Wheelchair Maker” was shown at the Different From What? film fest at ASU in Tempe, AZ this February.  Fans of Gene and Dave will remember this video from our show on Assistive Technology.  Your roving reporter, Gene, was there to introduce it.  The movies there defy hyperbole so rather than attempt to describe them, I am making arrangements to show you one film, “There’s Still Hope for Dreams”  which is a full-length documentary following a theatrical group comprised entirely of disabled performers.  PHAMALY takes on productions that were originally choreographed for people who can move both feet and arms, dance freely across the stage, who can see, hear and talk. Actors with various disabilities exhibit their talents through PHAMALY.   Find out about the acronym PHAMALY on an upcoming Gene and Dave episode. You are not going to believe the choreography!  As an example, the picture below shows a woman in a wheelchair flying across / above the stage.

Actress hangs from wires over stage

Actress hangs from wires over stage

Do you know what Touch Tours are?  They do in Chicago.  Look for this information at an upcoming episode on Performance Arts on The Gene and Dave Show.

Films were submitted from as far away as Israel, both US coasts, and, of course ASU students.  The students submitted some powerful films.  Their subject matter was compelling and technical considerations blended perfectly in “Riddy”, directed by Dan Millstein.  Riddy portrays the life of Jeff Ridanski, a young boy who struggles to accept his diagnosis of ADHD. As he grows older, he is forced to either cope with social pressure to be “normal” or remain true to himself.

Learn more about the films and film fest at http://differentfromwhatfilm.com